Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project: Goodness in 2009.

So there's this very popular photography project that has been floating around the web for some time now call 365. It's a commitment to take and post a photo a day for a year. To me, that's a really big bite to chew.
I'm taking on something a little less involved in an attempt to get my creative motor running. My photography has taken a back seat to my real life for many months now, so it's time to get this show on the road.
The idea is to post a picture a day of things that bring goodness to my life right now. New pictures only. I'm also throwing in the rule that pics of my children are fine, but I must also post another nonchild pic on those days. I could follow my kids around with my camera all day, but that's not really stretching my creative legs, now is it?
40 days seems like a reasonable goal. We'll see how it goes.

Day One

Behold, the green smoothie! So much tastier than it looks and one of the most nutritious things you can put in your body. Read more about green smoothies at Green Smoothie Girl or Happy Foody.
Sara, at Happy Foody got me drinking these last year and Ben and I just fell in love with them. We got out of the habit in recent months, but I'm back to making one for us every day. Good stuff!


Angry Asian said...

hello. thank you for stopping by my photography blog... something i've been neglecting as of late.

i've been toying with the 365 concept too. i was just telling my bff that i'd like to do something more creative everyday but time restrictions sure do get in the way... i'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with in the next 40 days. :)

Anonymous said...

I have been playing along with the 365 thing on our family blog. I have only missed one day since I started so I am pretty happy about it.

I will keep watching here. You take such lovely photos.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I am smoothie crazy right now! I will definitely check out what this green ones all about :)